TDF EP - Helen McCarthy

Jul 04, 2014, 10:16 AM

Helen McCarthy (@tweetheart4711 & is, possibly, the GREATEST guest that has been. And that is saying a lot! We talk romance novels. She is a little quiet on the mic but it's totally worth it. She is an anime historian and is FASCINATING! Yay her. Hooray for us. Enjoy.


Darla Kashian sponsoring the show for the foreseeable future! How does she do it? By being a GREAT financial advisor to others and knowing her stuff!



MIKE RUEKBERG composed and sang the intro, plus sings us out at the end!

PATRICK BRADY fixes he audio (even when I don't record it right) and outs he teaser slates together!

VILMOS creates and maintains my website and can do yours!



NOTES:Barbara Cartland - Heyer - Guy Branum on TDF about Canada - Helen McCarthy Bibliography - Adam Kern - A Brief History of Manga by Helen McCarthy Rhinestone – Dolly Parton - Charles Wirgman - Beato & Wirgman, Artists and Photographers -,+Artists+and+Photographers&espv=2&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=IImfU5zIIsS2yATmmoDACw&ved=0CC8QsAQ&biw=1920&bih=943 Emma -

TDF EP 237 – Josh Jordon/Andy Ashcraft​