"Mothers Against The Odds" described as an "excellent, superb" documentary by legendary Magdalenes campaign Cllr. Sally Mulready launching film free on-line in Muxima at the Roman Road Festival London

Jul 06, 2014, 12:43 PM

Episode image

The Speaker of the Hackney Borough Council Sharon Patrick and close friend of legendary Magdalenes campaign Cllr Sally Mulready admitted she had never heard of Ireland's symphysiotomy scandal, although very well informed from her friend Cllr Sally Mulready about other Irish scandals from that era like the Magdalenes and the 'Mothers & Baby Homes", until she saw the film documentary Mothers Against The Odds at the Roman Road Festival. However, as was made clear at the launch Speaker Sharon Patrick is not unique in the UK, and even more representative of many in Ireland, still trying to come to terms with the appalling cruelty inflicted on mothers through symphysiotomies often carried out without their permission.

Speaking at the launch Ronan Tynan and Anne Daly, Director/Co-Producer and Writer/Co-Producer of the documentary said that with so many scandals emerging it was vital that everything is done to help people understand why the Ireland of former times appeared so cruel and almost heartless towards women.

'Mothers Against The Odds' can be seen on-line at www.esperanza.ie

'Mothers Against The Odds' was produced by Esperanza Productions.

Caption for image above: (left to right) Ronan Tynan, Director/Co-Producer; Cllr. Sally Mulready; Anne Daly, Writer/Co-Producer of documentary; Speaker Sharon Patrick; and Isaac Carlos, Founder, Muxima.


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