"Why is our blood so cheap" - Syrian at protest against Assad's 'Blood Elections'

Jun 02, 2014, 11:22 AM

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In Trafalgar Square in London on Saturday (May 31, 2014) Syrians and their friends and supporters who make up the Syrian Solidarity Movement held a demonstration to protest against what they call President Bashar al-Assad 'blood elections' on Tuesday. 'I don't know why our blood is so cheap" one Syrian said reflecting the sense of abandonment of many that nothing is being done to stop Assad's brutal repression in Syria. That repression has included aerial barrel bombing campaigns of civilian areas as well as the starvation of men, women and children in besieged areas while Syrians feel the world is doing nothing as the slaughter continues. Anne Daly of Esperanza Productions joined the protesters in Trafalgar Square.

An Esperanza Productions audio report.

