Should Bono and U2 pay more tax?

May 21, 2014, 09:43 PM

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Do the wealthy pay enough tax? That debate has intensified around the world, as austerity continues for the majority, while the rich seem to get richer. Many of the super-rich manage to stay out of sight and out of mind. But for pop stars and tv personalities, keeping a low profile isn't an option. Several celebrities have had to endure some embarrassing newspaper headlines in Britain recently over schemes aimed at cutting their tax bills. The wealth of the Irish rock band U2 has just been put at 700 million dollars in the latest rich list produced by Britain's Sunday Times newspaper. The lead singer of U2, Bono, is also a global campaigner for more help for the world's poor. That's made his band's policy of paying some of its taxes outside Ireland a frequent topic of debate in his homeland over the past year. The BBC's Diarmaid Fleming in Dublin has been finding out what the Irish public thinks about Bono and his taxes.