Chat with Misfits in a pub in Cork (20 mins of audio)
Recorded raw in the White Horse Pub in Ballincollig Cork Ireland.
Around the table : AJ Leon @ajleon, Melissa Leon @melissaleon, Cheese @cheeseking & Paul O'Mahony @omaniblog. #misfitsvictorydance
The recording was made shortly after Ireland beat France on Saturday 15 March 2014 - in a dramatic finish to the 2014 Six Nations Rugby Championship. Great buzz of celebration in the pub.
Great celebration too at this table because we were re-unioning + Paul was meeting Cheese for the first time.
You hear mention of Jane Boyd in Canada @boydjane, Diane Brogan @dianebrogan Steve Brogan @stevebrogan in Las Vegas USA, Roger Overall @rogeroverall in Cork, Aodan Enright @smartereggaodan in Cork, Joe Carey the owner of the pub (who never appeared :))