Ireland: Protest in Dublin to pressure Russia on Syria

Feb 23, 2014, 10:43 AM

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Russia is alleged to be implicated in crimes against humanity in Syria through its support for the Assad regime not least through its vetoes with China in the UN Security Council where it has sought to prevent criticism of President Assad and his regime. A protest outside the Russian Embassy in Dublin sought to bring pressure on Russia not to veto a UN security council resolution calling on the Assad regime to stop preventing direct access for humanitarian aid underlining concern in Ireland about a conflict that has created the "world's worst humanitarian crisis". Filmmaker Anne Daly went along to meet protesters who accuse Assad of attempting to starve his own people into submission in denying food and access for humanitarian aid especially into areas under siege, although millions are at risk in the country through restrictions by his regime on the delivery of aid. The celebrated author and mathematician Stephen Hawking in a recent Guardian article described what was happening in Syria as an “abomination" which the world is watching coldly from a distance, something that could not be said about those Anne met outside the Russian embassy. The protest was held on the same day that the UN Security Council voted on the resolution on direct access for humanitarian aid. In a rare instance of unanimity in the Security Council the resolution was passed - but the question remains will the Assad regime allow direct access for aid for millions in desperate need, not least, those starving in areas under siege? Anne Daly is co-founder of Esperanza Productions award winning documentary filmmakers. Latest film: 'Mothers Against The Odds' filmed in Kenya and Ireland - access film here:

Twitter: @annedaly19