Australia's GM wars are ripping farming communities apart

Feb 11, 2014, 06:08 PM

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The arguments over GM crops - and over non-GM or organic - are well rehearsed by now. What's not been talked about much are the seeds of discord which those arguments have sown in rural communities. In Western Australia a farmer who lost his organic produce licence has taken his neighbour to court. Steve Marsh argues he lost his licence because of contamination from his neighbour's crop of genetically modified canola.
He's seeking damages and a permanent injunction in the Australian Supreme Court against his Michael Baxter - to protect his farm from future contamination. He says when seed from Mr Baxter's farm blew onto his property it resulted for him in "great financial hardship and an uncertain future". It's being seen as a test case in Australia with battle lines already being drawn in many farming communities. Bee Winfield, an organic farmer and friend of Steve Marsh, told me how the two warring famers were once the best of friends.