Switzerland votes to end freedom of movement deal with EU

Feb 10, 2014, 06:47 PM

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Switzerland's a country which is famous for its direct democracy. It has referenda on virtually every aspect of national policy. But the result of the latest plebiscite has set the cat among the pigeons - not just in the Alps - but in the corridors of European power.

Because the Swiss have voted to limit immigration into the country - a move which could cost Switzerland its privileged access to the European single market.

Switzerland, of course, is not a member of the EU. But that hasn't stopped other countries which are members taking a dim view of what the Swiss have done.

Sunday's vote on immigration was initiated by the Swiss People's Party. The SVP is a right of centre party which has tapped into concerns that Swiss identity and culture are being swamped by a huge influx of foreigners. Nearly a quarter of the country's population is now non-Swiss.

We spoke to two people with two people from different sides of the debate. Yves Nidegger, a Swiss MP from the People's party, which campaigned for tighter immigration controls and with Petros Fassoulas, the chairman of the European Movement, based in Brussels. We started by asking Yves Nidegger why he and his party are so keen on limiting the number of foreigners heading for Switzerland.