#PAYLS2014 #Dakar: African youth need gainful employment to avoid social crisis. Q&A @VinnyDrey:

Jan 14, 2014, 09:07 AM

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In Dakar, more than 500 young people gathered on Monday for the opening of the 4th pan-African youth leadership summit. The focus of this year's summit is youth unemployment and the meeting hopes to influence the UN's post-2015 agenda when the Millennium Development Goals come to an end. Africa has the youngest population in the world and some trends indicate that the population of young people in the continent is set to double by 2045. However, according to the World Bank around 60 per cent of all African unemployed are young people. RFI's Daniel Finnan spoke to Gabriel Adeyemo, a Nigeria participant, who's on the conference's steering committee. On the line from Dakar, he says young people aren't starry-eyed, they are realistic about their employment prospects...

Broadcast on Radio France Internationale's English service. http://www.english.rfi.fr