Is fracking the future?

Jan 13, 2014, 06:17 PM

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To supporters, fracking creates precious new jobs and helps cut energy prices. To opponents, it's a threat to the environment.

To Britain's prime minister David Cameron... fracking is the future. His government today revealed new financial incentives for councils which back fracking. At the same time, the French energy giant Total said it will invest at least 20 million dollars in projects in Britain.

Anti-fracking campaigners though aren't impressed. Earlier today, protestors jumped on lorries trying to enter a fracking site in Greater Manchester. So what's all the fuss about? Well, hydraulic fracturing is where water, chemicals and sand are pumped at high pressure deep below the ground. The idea is to break open rock, and release oil and gas trapped inside. Opponents say it leads to water pollution, and even causes earthquakes. Despite those fears, the British government is to allow local authorities to keep millions of pounds more in tax revenue if they give the go ahead to fracking schemes. We asked Helen Rimmer at the environmental pressure group Friends of the Earth and Christian May spokesperson for British company bosses' group the Institute of Directors what they thought of the government's plans.