Sounds of Earthfest 2013 at The Fold, Bransford @GuideDogVance @rjnet
almost half an hour of sounds from Sunday's #Earthfest at #TheFold in #Bransford. We hear quite a lot from a #gobbling #turkey with the #RareBreed #animals,
including a #child making noises at it in hope of a response. There's a #blacksmith #hammering and #music from the #BeamhallSessionsBand, followed by #dance
from #Appleyard, in the same tent, as well as occasional tunes from a #BambooFlute maker.
During the boo, I discover I've lost my iPhone 4S and call Carluccio's, where I'd been earlier with #Robert, to see if I left it there. Listen on to find out
the answer! :)
Robert's #GuideDog, #Vance, is quite taken with the turkey, but not so sure about the #goats. You also here a #Mother telling her child there are sheep with
the rare breeds too.
#ambience #stereo #morris #cuddle #folk #clapping #bossy #Fi #bells #blind #VI #navigation