Power Poses: Body Language to Give you the Edge `
Welcome to the Monday Morning Minute with Fiona Kearns
There are certainly some myths about body language. In doing research, I came across Amy Cuddy, Social Psychologist & Professor at Harvard. Her research on body language reveals that we can change other people’s perceptions and even our own body chemistry — simply by changing body positions.
Isn’t this absolutely fascinating?
So if you’ve got an important meeting, interview or presentation coming up, would it be worth adopting a power pose for a few minutes – think wonder woman - to give you the edge.
This is Fiona Kearns sharing how you can step up simply by changing your body language.
Listen to the Tedtalk here http://www.ted.com/talks/amycuddyyourbodylanguageshapeswhoyouare.html
#stepup #useful #sme #mmm #bodylanguagemyths #amycuddy #fakeittilyoubecomeit www.adeptcommunication.ie
Adept Communication is led by Fiona Kearns and is focused on maximising your confidence and communication skills. Adept Communication offer monthly boost clinics where you can have a dedicated session to focus on you so you can give and receive the best from life. Book your session by email hello@adeptcommunication.ie