The 10,000 Hand’s Project, brainchild of Camilla Yahaya and co-ordinated by Simon Jones of Prendergast Ladywell Fields College. This cloth is from the American Embassy. Boris Johnson and Adrian Joseph Vice President of Google have put their prints on it.
Beginning as a response to the tragic death of Jimmy Mizen back in 2008 and the work of the City Safe Haven Campaign by London Citizens, pupils from Prendergast Ladywell Fields College over the last three years have been signing up local shops to become Safe Havens and helping build a sense of community. These Safe Havens are simply shops, offices, cafes, train stations etc which, if an individual feels scared or threatened, they can run to and will be kept safe and protected. #citysafelewisham #jimmymizen #lewisham #prendergast #hillyfields #london #borisjohnson