Monday Morning Minute with Fiona Kearns Social Experiment

Mar 13, 2013, 12:42 PM

The Power of Social Media

Isn’t social media fab mostly except when it’s using up your valuable time that might be better spent elsewhere. But sure like everything else in life, you have to figure out if it’s working for you and decide for yourself. By accident, I conducted a social media experiment on the power of social media as my birthday wasn’t set to appear on my facebook profile and whereas last year I had a party this year I kept it low key. The result was only my close friends and family really knew of my birthday and I got cards in the post and texts. It just goes to show you, you can be as social or unsociable on social media is my take on it.

This is Fiona Kearns loving the option of being as sociable as I like.

#feedback #complaints #useful #sme #start #fionafkearns #mmm

Adept Communication is led by Fiona Kearns and is focused on maximising your confidence and communication skills. Adept Communication offer monthly boost clinics where you can have a dedicated session to focus on you so you can give and receive the best from life. Book your session by email